One of the biggest things that sets us apart as newborn photographers is our editing style. Some love a bold, bright aesthetic, some like a dark and moody aesthetic. I have always gravitated towards a light, serene and airy aesthetic in my finished images. I primarily offer neutrals and soft, muted tones for the studio’s newborn blankets, wraps, hats & headbands. Often they have an organic feel and lend themselves to a soft & classic look in the studio before I even take my images into photo-editing software. 

When I began editing newborn images “by hand” an image would sometimes take me a full hour to edit and the process was very tedious!! As time has gone by and my experience has grown (as well as hours upon hours in Photoshop! ;), I try to get my exposure, white balance etc. as close as I can in camera (I use a Canon 5D-MarkIII). I often take up to 200 photos in a session so the first step is to choose around 35-40 of my favourites. The raw camera images are then opened up in Lightroom, where a few minor adjustments are made and then they are imported into Photoshop for skin touch-ups, any colour balance changes and to put the finishing touches on each of the images before the gallery is complete. 

The other editing work that takes place is the merging of two images together to create one (composite). This is done in the poses where my assistant Nicole holds baby’s head for safety. Newborn safety is our top priority in our sessions, we would never want to leave baby in a position where he or she could potentially startle and not be supported. The pose below shows the 2 images used to create one final image with baby on his little hands. Voila!!

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Then I get to present the finished baby session images (fully edited) to mom & dad in their viewing session. I love meeting with everyone again and seeing how much baby has already changed in only a couple of weeks! This is such a precious time to have for their memories.

I love Jenna Marshall Photography’s sweet newborn images. To see her beautiful editing style, head on over to her page, she is a newborn baby and family photographer based in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. 

here’s her link:

before and after newborn baby pictures victoria BC-1

before and after newborn baby pictures victoria BC-2

before and after newborn baby pictures victoria BC-3

before and after newborn baby pictures victoria BC-5